Garbage Disposals

Garbage Disposal Installation Service in El Paso, Tx

Top Garbage Disposal Company

Barrett Airworks is the number one source for garbage disposal installation in El Paso. Our knowledgeable, experienced technicians have been providing quality service to our customers since 1952. We understand that your time and money are valuable, so our team of experts will make sure you get the job done right the first time. No matter what kind of garbage disposal you are looking for, our team can help you select the perfect one for your home. We even offer free consultations to make sure you get exactly what you need. Contact us today to get started.

Common Garbage Disposal Problems

While a garbage disposal can certainly make it easier to get rid of food scraps, they can also cause problems if not installed correctly. Common garbage disposal issues include clogs and jams. If your disposal is making strange noises such as grinding or humming, it could be a sign that something is stuck in the blades or motor. In some cases, an improper installation can even lead to leaks.

Many people believe that they can put anything down a garbage disposal, but this is not the case. Certain items can be dangerous to put down your disposal, including bones, grease, and fibrous materials like celery stalks or corn husks. If your garbage disposal is clogged due to improper use, our technicians can help you get it back up and running.

A man driving a forklift for garbage disposal installation in El Paso, TX

Why a Garbage Disposal Is Right for You

If you’re tired of dealing with overflowing trash cans and want to make disposing of food scraps a breeze, then a garbage disposal might be the perfect solution for you. A quality unit can help reduce odors in your kitchen and make it easier to get rid of food waste quickly and efficiently. It will also help prevent clogs in your kitchen sink’s plumbing. With the help of Barrett Airworks, you can have a new garbage disposal installed in no time and start enjoying all of its benefits.

At-Home Garbage Disposal Maintenance

To keep your garbage disposal running smoothly, there are a few simple steps you should follow. Be sure to avoid putting certain items down the disposal, such as bones, grease, and fibrous materials. A garbage disposal can get overwhelmed if users try to process too much food at once, so don’t try to put too many scraps down the drain at one time.

Replacing Your Swamp Cooler With Refrigerated Air

First, we inspect your home or business’s ductwork and supporting infrastructure. If your ductwork needs to be upgraded or replaced, we do what is necessary to support your new refrigerated air system. Once your ductwork is ready, we switch out your swamp cooler for the central air system and calibrate your thermostat.

Our Nate Certified

There is an abundance of HVAC technicians in El Paso, but not all carry the certifications, authorizations, and prestigious technicians we do. We have the skills and knowledge backed by years of experience to provide our customers with top-tier cooling solutions that will provide homes or businesses with comfort and better air quality for years to come.