While El Paso’s winters tend to take a bit longer to get started compared to northern states, once they do, we’re usually in for a chilly surprise. Right around this time, folks tend to call their HVAC technicians to come and turn on their heaters for them, rendering their swamp cooler useless… at least, until spring rolls around. Then everyone rushes to have their air conditioner turned back on and their heater turned off until the next bout of winter weather comes back. It’s an endless cycle, but it has a simple fix. Because we do not need the AC in the winter time, this time of year is perfect for upgrading to refrigerated air. Here’s why.
Why Winter?
There are many benefits to upgrading from relying on a swamp cooler to utilizing refrigerated air conditioning to cool your home. For one, refrigerated air conditioning has been proven to cool your home better than a swamp cooler. Plus, you don’t have to worry about opening a door or window to make sure the air flows through your house thoroughly. In addition, refrigerated air units can easily be switched between heating and cooling, so you’ll no longer have to worry about turning one off so the other one can be turned on for the changing of the seasons. Lastly, refrigerated air is better for the environment. You’ll save money and energy while giving back to good, old Mother Nature.
Call Barrett Airworks Service Co. Today!
If you’re thinking about upgrading your swamp cooler to a refrigerated air conditioning system, Barrett Airworks Service Co. is the place to call. We offer refrigerated AC installation services along with other maintenance, repairs, and other services. Stop dealing with a pesky swamp cooler and upgrade to refrigerated air conditioning today!